Keeping Your AC System Cleaner

  • Prevent Major Air Conditioning Problems

    15 May 2017

    If your air conditioner goes down during the summer months, you are going to be in a lot of trouble. The problem is that many people do not think about their air conditioner until it is too late and it has broken down on them. It is much better to try to perform some preventative maintenance on your air conditioning system. There are a few different things that you are going to want to do as a homeowner that will help you keep your system up and running at peak performance.

  • Maximizing Comfort And Minimizing Service - Tips For Maintaining Your HVAC System

    12 May 2017

    Home ownership can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be incredibly challenging. The necessity to stay on top of a variety of maintenance tasks can occasionally feel overwhelming, but the sense of accomplishment that comes with success makes it all worth it. Every time you enter your home and feel a comfortable temperature, you should know you've acted in your best interests. Below, you'll find a guide to some steps you should take in order to maintain your home's HVAC system.

  • Ways To Stay Cool This Summer

    9 May 2017

    Summer is coming up again. If you aren't the type of person who loves to bathe in the sun, or if you're just looking for ways to cool off in a hurry, consider planning to include these options. Pick Up a Water Sport You don't have to live near the ocean to pick up a water sport. Check with a local YMCA to see if you can learn aquatic exercises if there's no body of water near you.

  • Just Right: Choosing The Right Size Air Conditioner

    8 July 2016

    Installing a new HVAC system will involve a number of important decisions, not least of which is choosing the correct air conditioning unit. Sizing of an air conditioner is an important factor, and here are some considerations for choosing your air conditioner's capacity.  What Happens if You Pick the Wrong Air Conditioner? First, let's take a look at what happens if you pick the wrong size air conditioner. While nothing catastrophic will probably happen, it's all about the efficiency of your system.

  • How To Replace A Furnace Door Switch

    5 April 2016

    A furnace blower fan sucks in the air coming from the intake vents in your home, pushes that air over the heating element, and then helps cycle that air back out the vents in your home. The blower fan compartment has a door switch as a safety feature. The switch switches off the fan if the compartment door opens so that wiring doesn't get sucked into the fan. A broken door switch can prevent the fan from running at all, which would also prevent the furnace from working.

  • Two Common Questions About Maintaining Commercial Dryer Vents

    7 July 2015

    Commercial grade dryers are essential to many businesses, but it is common for individuals that have only recently started a laundromat to underestimate the importance of maintaining these devices. In particular, the vents can accumulate a shocking amount of dirt and debris, which can severely impact the performance of the unit. Fortunately, learning the following couple of answers to common dryer maintenance questions will help you to be a more informed owner.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydronic Heating Systems

    2 July 2015

    Hydronic heating systems are heating systems that make use of water or another fluid as a medium to transport heat throughout your home, a direct contrast to more conventional forced air heating systems that blow heat through the air of your home using fans. Because of their distinctive method of heating your home, hydronic heating systems carry with them a unique set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding what they have to offer can help you decide whether or not hydronic heating systems are the right fit for your home's heating needs.